The Imhoff Paper

Archimedes of Syracuse ca. 287 – ca. 212 BC
Leonardo da Vinci 15 April 1452 – 2 May 1519 (500 years May 2, 2019)
Sir Isaac Newton PRS 25 December 1642 – 20 March 1726/27
Thomas Alva Edison February 11, 1847 – October 18, 1931
Nikola Tesla 10 July 1856 – 7 January 1943
Karl Imhoff 7 April 1876 – 28 September 1965
Albert Einstein 14 March 1879 – 18 April 1955

I would like to think that most of us know all of the people mentioned above. They took us from theoretical constructs to a man on the moon in a little over two thousand years.

All of them advanced Human knowledge, science, technologies and know-how.

However, only one of them advanced Human biological sustainability directly: Karl Imhoff.

Karl Imhoff was the driving force in the development and invention of the technical apparatuses and methods of sewage treatment (the trickling – and activated sludge process). Imhoff provided not only significant technical innovations, but also design rules derived from experience in the operation of sewage treatment plants. He wrote a book Handbook of Urban Drainage in 1906, which today is released in new editions. In its 100-year history, the book has been translated 40 times. It has appeared in a total of 20 languages. 1

In a nutshell Imhoff looked at naturally occurring processes which enabled him to design and construct equipment that fostered, controlled and concentrated the natural biological bionomic auto-sanitation processes. In his day and age a significant advancement for urban sanitation and sustainability. The primary purpose was to eliminate solids, pathogens as well as odors from wastewater and hence return a clarified treated water back to the environment.

There was no significant advancement over the treatments Imhoff describes in his 1906 Handbook of Urban Drainage, which are still in widespread use today, until the German Patent Office published DE 10 2011 054 585 in 2013 for Nils Semmler’s innovative bionomictm process to upgrade wastewater treatment plants to bionomictm processing plants in order to realize the full resource potential of organic loads and nutrients as well as eliminate a sizable chunk of greenhouse gases and precursors in the process. This is the first significant wastewater process improvement over Imhoff’s original treatment technologies in over a hundred years.

Contact the author to find out how we can advise you on how upgrade your facility to convert if from a municipal environmental problem to community gold.

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Bionomictm Wastewater Processing

[ DE 10 2011 054 585 ]
….”every community can upgrade
to lower infrastructure costs, mitigate climate change
& lay the cornerstones to its own local sustainable circular economy”….

1Karl Imhoff – Wikipedia

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