differentiated water analysis of the Poncia stream (agricultural pollution and human effluents)

Water analysis of the Poncia stream in Gembloux Belgium is a unique 2021 study by Gilles Olive

Poncia Stream Gembloux, Belgium

To my knowledge this study represents a first to differentiate and provide separate data on two types of water based influx pollution. Olive uses three sampling points along the Poncia stream (Gembloux, Belgium). Sampling point one is at source of river with zero foreign influx; point two is agricultural source influx only and then finally agricultural and municipal influx together at sampling point three. This sampling point setup allows collecting data which permits comparison between the effects of “treated” human effluent and raw agricultural runoff.

The link to the paper on ACADEMIA is : Water analysis of the Poncia stream Gembloux Belgium

I most certainly was pleasantly surprised to note the authors conclusions and most certainly agree with him. The environmental impacts from human effluent treatment plants are in our opinion the highest single source of anthropogenic water and air pollution.

We need to upgrade all of our existing municipal wastewater treatment plants from century old treatment technology to bionomic processing to capture raw material value as well as mitigate environmental impacts.

For starters I would like to invite you to read our publications “The Imhoff Paper” ; ” The Wastewater Dilemma and “difference between treatment and processing of wastewater” .

If you have any questions , would like to know more or wish to collaborate with us, you can contact us direct or send us email to contact[at]terra.ngo

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