
Former governor general Michaëlle Jean says Haïti has become a failed state

In an interview published by CBC on Feb.15, 2023 Michaëlle Jean said Haïti has become a failed state.

Foto: A woman and her daughter run past a barricade set up by police during a protest to denounce bad police governance in Port-au-Prince, Haiti on Jan. 26, 2023. (Odelyn Joseph/The Associated Press)

Our group, The Planetary Society for Bionomic Renewal – terra.ngo has some unique experiences regarding Haití primarily acquired in the seven border region provinces of the Dominican Republic working together with the Dirección General de Desarrollo Fronterizo (DGDF)

We have known for some time that there is a definite need for stabilization – not just in the capital of Haití Port au Prince , but also in the entire country with specific requirements. At present by all accounts anarchy rules in Haití.

However, we also believe a second approach for development based on our long term experience on the ground working for many years in association with the General Directorate for Border Development (DGDF) is just as if not more important.

It is said that when a country´s people have control over their own food supply they become self confident and more importantly more certain of themselves and develop self-sustaining social rules and order.

Based on our experience and we propose and are looking to initialize a program of Economic stabilization in the border region between Haití and the Dominican Republic via sustainable bionomictm development in agriculture and infrastructure.

Sustainable bionomictm development in agriculture and community infrastructure

Since 2007 we have completed extensive studies in association with the Canadian Climate Change office based out of the Canadian embassy in Santo Domingo as well as the Dominican border authority – La Dirección General Desarrollo Fronterizo (DGDF). We have collected extensive datasets that allow us to develop pathways towards economic stabilization on both sides of the Dominican – Haitian border.

There are two key aspects we deem essential in order to achieve successful economic stabilization and sustainable development in the border region between the Dominican Republic and Haïti for the benefit of both peoples and nations.

The first one is sustainable zero waste circular agriculture to provide stable jobs and healthy foods.

The second one is sustainable bionomictm processing of organic wastes including human municipal wastewater for the elimination of pathogens, production of renewable fuels & energy, mitigation of greenhouse gases and precursors, as well as production of stable organic fertilizers.

At the present point in time. we are looking for partners and two communities to qualify as pilot projects in our program. These communities would become self – governing in order to ensure coverage of all community requirements, be it schooling, policing and most importantly feeding and employing everyone equitably. Once successful we will replicate the program to encompass all communities on both sides of the border.

We are looking for communities with solid ties to existing chambers of commerce, the military on both sides of the border, as well as the local authorities looking to improve overall community economics and value.


Any development plan, in order to have any hope for sustainable success, needs to consider and address cultural factors, socioeconomic realities, religious beliefs as well as existing educational levels. Education should be free and general enough to provide a sound basis. Language studies should not only cover Creole but also French and at least one additional foreign language.

The two fundamental infrastructure approaches:

Bionomic Food Production

Rural communities evaluated by us on both sides of the border are well suited to circular zero waste sustainable bionomictm agricultural development to increase jobs and stabilize food supplies. Key factors to improve and stabilize overall economics that will permit communities to stabilize, retain and grow their population and cultural well being.

This is also in keeping with the FAO program for food sovereignty systems and addresses all seven identified pillars of Food Sovereignty.

Seven Pillars of Food Sovereignty:

  • Focuses on Food for People. Puts people’s need for food at the centre of policies. …
  • Builds Knowledge and Skills. Builds on traditional knowledge. …
  • Works with Nature. Optimizes the contributions of ecosystems. …
  • Values Food Providers. …
  • Localizes Food Systems. …
  • Puts Control Locally. …
  • Food is Sacred.

Abundance of jobs in agriculture and related construction will keep people in the community and on passant significantly reduce undesirable migration patterns.

Details, technologies, techniques will be made available as part of an overall program to create long term stability and potentials for sustainable economic growth.

While economic benefits can be appreciated in the form of increased agricultural production within a relatively short time period of three months or less, we estimate that in order to achieve self sustaining activities, particularly in regards to sustainable rotational agriculture that provide for socioeconomic growth, advisory presence and assistance will be required during the first 24 to 36 months.

Cost estimates vary from community to community based on initial community size, land base, current practices as well as several other factors which we all take into consideration in order to come up with a tailored plan specific for the community.

The model depicted in the above graphic however always has the same characteristics and its underlying algorithm allows for rapid evaluation, cost calculations and benefit schedules.

Bionomictm Wastewater Management for sustainable Community Infrastructure

Self sustaining bionomictm infrastructure capable of dealing with human effluent and wastewaster in general is the second most important element to ensure population health and continuous stable environmental health and renewable community resources such as renewable fuels & energy, potable water and healthy foods. All of them cornerstones to healthy, prosperous, sustainable communities.

Our bionomictm approach to wastewater projects rehabilitates wastewater as well as generates renewable fuel, energy & electricity, fertilizer as well as other output products of economic value. In addition greenhouse gases and precursors are mitigated at the source generating Carbon Credits. As a result of stable renewable fuel & energy production community costs are stabilized and the lights can stay on at night.

Proper design of the bionomictm wastewater processing project will allow green development funds to be accessed in order to further enhance green sustainable urban development.

Urban centers will have a sustainable chance to become hubs for trade, cultural development and industry where appropriate.


Sustainable stable economics are entirely possible for the two very distinct peoples on the Island of Hispaniola.

However, in order to get there a multi-pronged approach is necessary that includes socioeconomic activities, education, fostering cultural awareness and promoting the right mix of tolerance and understanding in beliefs as well as mutual respect for each very distinct culture by the other.

We have the correct mix of people, know-how, knowledge, technologies as well as techniques and contact network with individuals as well as organizations to move the development along the Dominican – Haitian border along the correct path towards sustainability and stable prosperous communities and economics.

Write us if you are interested in finding out more or participating in this very important initiative.

Zona Fronteriza D.R. – Haiti

desarrollo de recursos organicos en la zona fronteriza R.D.

El promotor inicial de esta iniciativa que data del año 2007 fue la oficina de cambio climatico de la embajada del Canada en Santo Domingo.

La mayor parte del trabajo de analisis, determinación de potenciales y primeros lugares para desarrollar fue hecho entre una entonces empresa privada Canadiense y la autoridad en frontera, la Dirección General de Desarrollo Fronterizo (DGDF) – tambien llamada “Fronteras”.

Por razones politicas, cambios de gobiernos y intereses ajenas este projecto como muchos otros se quedó en el aire.

The Planetary Society for Bionomic RenewaL is owner of the IP used by the Canadian company and believes that with current events in Haiti and the border region this project has acquired new significance in conjunction with our system for circular zero waste farming and urban renewal using our bionomic wastewater processing technology.

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