outside the box….

Projects conceived thinking outside the box

53 foot Searay Renewables Refit

53 foot sea-ray

Our very first outside the box project which is in progress, is the conversion of a 53 foot Searay that suffered serious engine and transmission problems. We are in the process of receiving this vessel as a donation with the objective to  convert from diesel propulsion to electric and hydrogen. This will become our proof of concept vessel for our first endeavor into highly cost efficient, clean  marine transportation.

We have a bit of work ahead of us – but think of a perfectly silent running recreational boat that needs limited fueling and runs in part on the water it floats on.

For us the next logical step, once completed this proof of concept project, will be to build a motor-sail cargo carrier vessel of somewhere between 60 and 120 feet in length operating entirely on renewable energy to service island chains like the Caribbean without using fossil fuels.

This will dramatically change freight costs.

Here are some of the questions we need to answer before we get into the actual hands on conversion-refit of the Searay.

So far we have identified the electric engine supplier we would like to work with and are now evaluating suppliers of hydrogen fuel cells and associated apparatus.

We are evaluating manufacturers for walk-on solar cells.

For energy storage we are looking at what might be available in non toxic non-lithium technology.

Sodium belongs to the same group of A1 alkali metals such as Lithium. Did you know even hydrogen belongs to this group?

Lithium mining and processing leads to environmentally destructive lithium leaching beds. Hence we are closely looking at sodium ion based battery technology.

According to a report by Friends of the Earth (FoE)lithium extraction inevitably harms the soil and causes air contamination. As demand rises, the mining impacts are “increasingly affecting communities where this harmful extraction takes place, jeopardizing their access to water,” says the report dated November 21, 2022.

Tom Hegen

In order to get away from the environmental problems associated with lithium, some of which can be appreciated in the above image, we need to look for alternatives.

We are looking for potential suppliers of Sodium Ion Batteries as a viable alternative to lithium.

There are an additional number of questions we need to answer before we can start with the actual hands on work of refitting the Searay. That means thorough research into several different topics  before we get to the hands on work.

The questions I mentioned here are just the tip of the iceberg.

If you would like to participate in this project, you can write to us at postmaster[at]terra.ngo or use our contact form.

Update August 2024

After having a closer look at the boat, It is suitable for a renewables refit. But not entirely as thought.

Why our interest in this vessel?

Well, In the last step of our bionomictm wastewater resource recovery at the municipal level, we produce an algae-based oil during our final effluent polishing/rehabilitation step, which we believe to be able to be used with as a sustainable, renewable transportation fuel.

The refit of the vessel would entail changing to electric motors, using our biofuel in a biofuel capable engine to act as generator for the electric drives. We also continue to look at hydrogen technology in order to add hydrogen to the fuel / air mix. This has been shown to reduce liquid fuel consumption by possibly as much as thirty percent. At least that is what published literature would like us to believe.

We are in the process of calculating overall refit requirements for this 50,000 pound vessel to be able to move at up to 15 knots on renewables.

We will update this page as we make progress.

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