how to interact & work with the planetary society for bionomic renewal –

August 5, 2024

First of all we would like to welcome everybody who is reading this page.
From our online publications, articles and posts you can probably tell that the topic of bionomic renewal of our planet is a topic very dear to us.

Every community and for that matter every household, every individual can make good choices and use of bionomic principles to help with the renewal of our little corner of the universe we call Earth – terra.

How to work with us? How to tap into our knowledge? Why would I want to? All of them valid questions that I will try to answer in this post. If you have other questions, then please write us and let us know and we will expand this post accordingly. We will also shortly be setting up a mailing list.

Everything one step at a time.

To our first question: How to work with us:

Yes we are a small startup not for profit 501(c)3 registered charity that can issue tax receipts. We are a small group of idealists who believe Humanity still can get onto a self-sustaining healthy path and maintain our planet terra healthy at the same time for all generations to come.

The easiest way to work with us is requesting a membership. Talk to us if you are interested be it individual, family or institutional.

As an institution you may also consider become a founding member.

That brings me to the second question.

How to tap into our knowledge:

As a regular member you gain access to our library and are placed automatically on our mailing list to be published once a month.

As a founding member you gain access to our library as well as have the right to consult with us directly on certain topics of significance to a defined project you might be working on.

The third way to tap into our knowledge is as analysts, advisors, consultants or project developers to you for a specific project or program that you may want to develop and implement.

We would work with your existing team of experts and partners to develop the most sensible and effective solution and participate in the entire project cycle from concept to implementation. This would include transfer of pertinent knowledge to you under negotiated license terms.

At no point in time would we ever do any kind of construction work ourselves. We will always remain a knowledge company, a think tank if you will, who will work as analyst, advisor, consultant or developer on your behalf and specifically for your project. Any physical structures or constructs that might be required as part of a project would always be in conjunction with your existing experts and partners. We can certainly help you select partners for you if that necessity arises.

You can also tap into our knowledge as teachers and presenters. Be it a program at a technical school or at a university or a lecture. We will be happy to accommodate and make arrangements with you.

We can interact and work with you in any one of three languages at the at the native level at this time. English, Spanish as well as German.

We also invite institutions that deal with all types of organic wastes to contact us. We will be happy to help you find the best possible solution for your problems.

In the case of institutions such as community councils, municipalities and government agencies interested in our methodologies, technologies and techniques, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Last but definitely not least we are looking to form partnerships with colleges, universities, communities and institutions to get the knowledge out there as widely distributed as possible that yes there are ways to solve our environmental problems without harming ourselves.

We can have our cake and eat it too.

All in all we are very approachable. You can write to us either directly to contact[at] or use our contact form

We look forward to hearing from you.

May we all live long and prosper.

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