About Us

The Planetary Society for Bionomic Renewal – terra.ngo is the brainchild of Nils Semmler and George Windsor.

George and Nils met some 20 years ago when Jean Chretien’s government of Canada was interested in fostering green development.

Both are interested in sound environmental practices and sustainable solutions for producing healthy food and agriculture. The Society was finally registered in November 2022 as a not for profit in the state of Delaware U.S.A. In 2023 the society was granted charitable status.

George is an electrical engineer and practicing attorney at law (Ontario LSO 13218F) with extensive international experience working for large law firms as well as agencies and instrumentalities of the federal government of Canada.

George is currently the President and a director of the Society.

Nils started working in the field of bioenergy systems back in 1997 and has extensive international experience in the fields of bioenergy, anaerobic digestion, and the use of organic and biological cycles for sustainable circular agriculture and food production. He travelled extensively for the Canadian Climate Change Office during the Rt. Hon. Jean Chretien’s time as Prime Minister of Canada.

Nils published a patent in 2011 for processing and resource recovery of municipal wastewater. Most of his work, including three peer-reviewed papers, is published on this site.

Nils is currently the Chief Research Analyst and a director of the Society.

George and Nils firmly believe our—humanity’s—path towards sustainability has to be based on respect for our planet, its nature, and bionomic principles and methods to sustainably reduce our overall environmental footprint, including carbon production. Anthropogenic or human food and agricultural systems, as well as our waste production and waste processing systems, need to respect the planet’s biological cycles while maintaining our nutrition, our health, and our planet’s health.

We firmly believe that humanity’s best path forward is to properly use natural cycles without genetic modifications of living organisms and laboratory-grown meat. Nature has its own mechanisms that will allow us to eliminate herbicides, pesticides, and some of the environmentally persistent chemicals put into circulation by big pharmaceutical and chemical industries.

The Planetary Society for Bionomic Renewal – terra.ngo is a Delaware registered domestic not for profit corporation for the benefit of terra – our planet – and all life on Earth. We are a 501(c)3 registered public charity organization. The planetary Society for Planetary Renewal – terra.ngo is entirely privately funded and depends on donations to carry out its work. We are not affiliated with any political organization nor any specialty interest group.

Our Vision is to be the global knowledge hub to enable and assist planetary bionomic renewal for the benefit, sustainable perpetuity and advancement of all life on terra.

BIONOMIC : From Ancient Greek βίος bíos, “life” and nomos, Greek: “law,” and “order”

Our Mission is to investigate, record, classify, and store knowledge about bionomictm cycles; to teach, educate, promote, and foster systems, methods, methodologies, and practices that make all life on earth thrive sustainably and harmoniously in perpetuity. To achieve a complete bionomic renewal of terra.

At terra.ngo – The Planetary Society for Bionomic Renewal – we provide cornerstone knowledge and expertise to enable creation of safe communities with technology and know – how for production of renewable fuels & energy from sustainable sources, wastewater resource recovery & rehabilitation, fresh potable water and healthy foods. Always keeping in mind our duties as stewards of our planet, we advocate bionomictm sustainable technologies and practices at the service of the entire planet – not just a few humans.

We consider the primary cornerstones for sustainable, healthy and prosperous development and stewardship to be:

  • wastewater resource recovery and bionomic rehabilitation of effluents.
  • renewable & sustainable fuel and energy production.
  • mitigation and elimination of GHG and precursor emissions.
  • self sustainable circular agricultural and acuicultural practices on the path towards sustainable & environmentally sound healthy food production.

You will find various references on our site regarding wastewater resource recovery using our integrated bionomictm wastewater processing system that recovers and captures all available resources potentials converting them into value added products that reduce or eliminate operational costs depending on latitude location of your community or project. We invite you to spends time with us online looking over the published information.

Our primary concern is the incredible amount of water that is discarded as wastewater in communities without proper resource recover nor rehabilitation. Thanks to our accumulated knowledge we can assist all existing wastewater treatment plants to become bionomictm resource recovery facilities.

Our integrated bioniomic systems approach has produced know-how, technologies and methodologies that  process  wastewaters to rehabilitated oxygen enriched water and recover all possible resource potentials for bionomic production of economic valuable co-products.

Knowledge that has been tried and tested on three continents. Knowledge used by governments, communities and private enterprises in developed nations since 1997.

Our wastewater resource recovery process is described in more detail here.

We aim to bring our knowledge and know-how not just to developed nations but also to the poorest of places on this planet, places that most need to rehabilitate wastewater and improve sanitary conditions, produce renewable fuels & energy and healthy foods to create the cornerstones for safe and prosperous communities.

We are also involved in pushing the envelope in certain areas and have slated outside of the conventional box topics such as truly sustainable transportation and energy systems based on hydrogen, solar power as well as methane also known as natural gas for further investigations and research. 

Contact us to find out more, how you can become a member or how you can work with us or how we can help you to become a driving force on the path of true sustainability.

You can use our contact form or write us direct to contact@terra.ngo with your concerns and find out how we can work with your community to lay its first cornerstones on its path towards sustainability and prosperity .

We hope you enjoy your visit to our site and find it productive! 

Talk soon.

With best wishes – “Live long and prosper”
The Planetary Society for Bionomic Renewal – terra.ngo
March, 2023

last updated November 2024

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